One of the things I enjoy the most during my stay at Saratoga is attending the morning workouts. No matter how late I was out the night before I am always at the rail watching the horses train. For me its more than the views of the early morning race course but it is the sounds and the smell of the track.
I always stay at the Brunswick Bed an Breakfast, across the street and a short distance from the mail gate, At 6:45 I start for the track being passed by the early morning joggers and folks racing to reserve picnic tables when the area opens at 7:00. I am always amazed how quickly the picnic tables fill after the gates open.

After buying a cup of coffee I proceed to the grandstand boxes at the finish line, right behind the clocker. If you have never done so you should try the "Breakfast at Saratoga". It is located downstairs in the clubhouse right at the finish line.
Then there's Mary Ryan, the long time morning track announcer at Saratoga since Seattle Slew was a 2 year old (1976).
Also, take the backside tour. It is a very good free tour of the stable area.
If however your like me you need a change. Last week instead of going to the workouts I walked down Nelson Ave. My walk started at the corner of Nelson and Union, roughly the location of the Brunswick. A short distance down the road is the start of the clubhouse turn. The only thing between the clubhouse turn and the racetrack is a small service road. Moving clockwise, on the outside of the track, were sets of fresh horses moving towards the grandstand to begin their workout. On the rail, horses finishing up their works traveling counter clockwise toward the barns. The only sounds you could hear were those of the pounding hoofs, and labored breathing of the horses tired by their morning drill.
The next stop, at the top of the clubhouse turn, is chute for the start of the 7 furlong races. A starting gate was set up in the chute for schooling of young horses likely awaiting their first race. The assistant starters were working with a Barkley Tagg runner (BT on the saddle cloth) who was very reluctant to load. The horse fought with the gate personnel for about 20 minutes before quietly loading into the gate. No one else was there watching. It was a private show for me. This is also the place where horses exiting the track cross to return to barns located off the main grounds. You could literally wait 5 minutes for all the horses to cross. This was a great resting spot on my journey.
Moving further down the road for the next 200 or so yards there is a training track. The track is a little deeper and good for injured horses. Several horses gallop around the small oval literally only feet from the pavement. It is a great place to watch horses.
Across the street are the Linda Rice Stables. You cannot enter the stables but there no need. You can see the stable workers tending the the horses up close right from the gate. Linda Rice has a large stable and you can see the need for organization. I was still standing across the street watching a big gray being hosed down, suds going everywhere when Linda arrived, cell phone in hand, riding a golf cart around the stable. She looked to be in complete charge of the stable.
Just beyond the far corner of the Saratoga backstretch is the private stable owned by Godophin an Arab racing stable. Godophin is a beautiful piece of property with it own training track. Horses are placed in corrals while workers muck the stables. Some stand quietly others play under the trees. I could watch the horses play all day.
In all the walk was about 2 1/2 miles and took me about 1 1/2 hours. I will still go back to the organized workouts but this was a nice change.
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I always stay at the Brunswick Bed an Breakfast, across the street and a short distance from the mail gate, At 6:45 I start for the track being passed by the early morning joggers and folks racing to reserve picnic tables when the area opens at 7:00. I am always amazed how quickly the picnic tables fill after the gates open.

After buying a cup of coffee I proceed to the grandstand boxes at the finish line, right behind the clocker. If you have never done so you should try the "Breakfast at Saratoga". It is located downstairs in the clubhouse right at the finish line.
Then there's Mary Ryan, the long time morning track announcer at Saratoga since Seattle Slew was a 2 year old (1976).
Also, take the backside tour. It is a very good free tour of the stable area.

The next stop, at the top of the clubhouse turn, is chute for the start of the 7 furlong races. A starting gate was set up in the chute for schooling of young horses likely awaiting their first race. The assistant starters were working with a Barkley Tagg runner (BT on the saddle cloth) who was very reluctant to load. The horse fought with the gate personnel for about 20 minutes before quietly loading into the gate. No one else was there watching. It was a private show for me. This is also the place where horses exiting the track cross to return to barns located off the main grounds. You could literally wait 5 minutes for all the horses to cross. This was a great resting spot on my journey.
Moving further down the road for the next 200 or so yards there is a training track. The track is a little deeper and good for injured horses. Several horses gallop around the small oval literally only feet from the pavement. It is a great place to watch horses.
Across the street are the Linda Rice Stables. You cannot enter the stables but there no need. You can see the stable workers tending the the horses up close right from the gate. Linda Rice has a large stable and you can see the need for organization. I was still standing across the street watching a big gray being hosed down, suds going everywhere when Linda arrived, cell phone in hand, riding a golf cart around the stable. She looked to be in complete charge of the stable.
Just beyond the far corner of the Saratoga backstretch is the private stable owned by Godophin an Arab racing stable. Godophin is a beautiful piece of property with it own training track. Horses are placed in corrals while workers muck the stables. Some stand quietly others play under the trees. I could watch the horses play all day.
In all the walk was about 2 1/2 miles and took me about 1 1/2 hours. I will still go back to the organized workouts but this was a nice change.
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Have you ever tried to exchange links, link building, or trade links? Was it hard? Use link market instead; - it is easy to use, free and very smart. It will save you hours of work.
I second this post !!!